Say hello to the honeymoon you have always wanted.

You've waited to have sex with the love of your life. As your wedding night approaches, you want to make sure that you are as prepared as possible for your first time. I've got you covered (or... uncovered?).


The Honeymoon Course

HONEYMOON Concerns you might have: 

You don't know what you don't know.

Sex doesn't really seem that complicated, but you've heard enough horror stories to know there's gotta be more to it. 

You're not sure you're on the same page as your fiancé. 

You are absolutely head over heels for each other, but do your hopes for the honeymoon align? Not to mention your sex ed level. 

You have some honeymoon fears (thanks, horror stories).

You have friends who have experienced pain, frustration, and less- than-ideal sex on the honeymoon. You're worried it's inevitable.

“I am SO grateful this resource was available to me before my wedding! I don’t know what I would have done without it. It has been worth EVERY penny.”

— Honeymoon Course Participant


Your Sex Ed BFF

The perfect way to prepare for your sexual debut as a couple. All of those questions you have been wondering about? You'll find the answers here. The confidence you're hoping to feel on your honeymoon? Yeah, that's here too.

Course breakdown:

Developing Healthy Beliefs about Sex

Inside of module one, you will learn the key components of a healthy sexual relationship. You might have some negative and unhealthy beliefs about sex. This module will help you to replace them with truth. 

Module ONE


Managing Sexual Desire while Engaged

Waiting until marriage to have sex can be incredibly challenging. In this module, you will learn how to embrace your God-given sexual nature and manage your sexual desires in this stage of your relationship. Shame not included.

Module TWO


Understanding (really understanding) your own and your partner's sexual anatomy & functioning is vital to a mutually pleasurable sex life. It's all covered (or uncovered?) in this module, information on foreplay, orgasms, and more.

Mastering Sexual Anatomy & Pleasure

Module THREE


Avoiding and Addressing Challenges with Sex

You've heard plenty of honeymoon horror stories and you don't want to live any of them. In this module, you will learn how to prevent and manage pain, manage honeymoon expectations, handle messy sex, and much more. Happy honeymoon, here you come!

Module FOUR


After getting in some good sex practice sessions, I will walk you through specific ways to level up your experience. In this module, you will learn about navigating differences in desire, introducing vibrators, increasing pleasure, and more.

Post-Wedding Check-In



Brand new!


Grab your seat today and get 4 bonus resources!

  • The Honeymoon Packing List
  • The Sex Positions for Beginner's Guide
  • Sexual Anatomy Diagrams
  • Recommended Resources for Better Sex
  • The Setting Boundaries Guidebook



no. 01

Access the Course Online

This fully online, asynchronous course can be taken anytime, anywhere, as long as you have a device and internet access. 

no. 02

Study at Your Own Pace

Move as slowly or as quickly through the course as you would like. Binge in one night or take your time. It's totally up to you.

no. 03

Get Lifetime Course Access

Take the course as many times as you would like. As long as I'm selling it (hopefully forever), it's yours. Including every update.


Couples enrolled in The Honeymoon Course


Number of times I have happy cried about that


Average # of weeks to finish the course

Hours of video instruction plus other resources


success stories

"My fiancé and I LOVED The Honeymoon Course!!"

"It was the best resource for us to be able to prepare to have the most realistic, comfortable experience together. It brought up really important topics, helped us align expectations/hopes, taught us, and focused on God—which we loved as well! Carlie did an incredible job of teaching each module and lesson."

loved it!

"My fiancé and I are so glad that we took the Honeymoon Course!"

"This course helped us to become more comfortable talking about sex with each other. It has truly prepared us to start a wonderful sexual relationship after we are married. Carlie is such a great educator and we are grateful for her course!"

"The lessons and advice helped us to be comfortable, happy, and super satisfied!"

"Carlie, I have to thank you! This weekend was my honeymoon and FRIEND. Thank you. We even said multiple times, 'I remember this from The Honeymoon Course.'" 

doing good

$15 from each purchase of The Honeymoon Course is donated to Project Luangwa.

Project Luangwa is a non-profit organization that provides period education and reusable menstrual products to girls and women in Zambia. I have personally visited their HQ in Zambia and have seen first-hand the incredible work they are doing. 


kind words

“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

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select the plan that works for you:

Payment Plan

The Honeymoon Course (yay!)

Lifetime Access to Updates

Bonus Post-Wedding Module

Access to 4 Bonus Resources 

4 Payments of $79

best value!

One Payment 

The Honeymoon Course (yay!)

Lifetime Access to Updates

Bonus Post-Wedding Module

Access to 4 Bonus Resources 

1 Payment of $297



(happy dance)


After you make the purchase, you will be sent a digital gift card. Pass it along via email or print and gift a physical copy. It's up to you! Either way, I'm sure the recipient will be thrilled.

Purchasing the Course for someone else? (BLESS YOU)

i can help because i've been there

Five years ago, we lived the "not sufficiently prepared" honeymoon.

My husband and I laugh about it now, but on the honeymoon? There were more tears than there was laughter. We thought we were totally prepared. I had a master's degree in this stuff, after all. 

But the sex education that my now-husband and I had received up to that point was definitely insufficient. The good news is, I now know exactly how to help you and your person have a better experience.

but nowI know how to help!

“Oh my goodness, SO helpful! My hubby and I just got back from our honeymoon and we TOTALLY recommend the course.”

— Honeymoon Course Participant

Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

Try it for 90 days

Yup, you read that right. If you go through at least 50% of any course and don't feel it has been helpful for you, I will refund you the full price of the course. I want you to LOVE what I offer. And, if you don't, I've got your back. No hard feelings.


money back guarantee

select the plan that works for you:

Payment Plan

The Honeymoon Course (yay!)

Lifetime Access to Updates

Bonus Post-Wedding Module

Access to 4 Bonus Resources 

4 Payments of $79

best value!

One Payment 

The Honeymoon Course (yay!)

Lifetime Access to Updates

Bonus Post-Wedding Module

Access to 4 Bonus Resources 

1 Payment of $297


When is the best time to take The Honeymoon Course?

That's totally up to you! Personally, I recommend taking The Honeymoon Course as soon as you get engaged. You can review key parts closer to your honeymoon. However, some couples prefer to wait until closer to the wedding date. 

How long does it take to go through The Honeymoon Course?

The course includes over three hours of video content, along with several downloadable guides and discussion questions for each lesson. Most couples finish in 4-5 hours total, though that is typically spread out over several days or weeks.

Would you recommend it if one of us has had sex and the other hasn't? 

Yes! The Honeymoon Course might even be more helpful in these cases, as there are some additional fears and expectations to work through together. There are currently several such couples enrolled in the course. 

If I purchase it, can I share the course with friends or family members?

I know you want to share the love and I get that. But each purchase of The Honeymoon Course can only be used by one couple. If another couple wants it, they will need to purchase it as well. But if it was worth it for you, it will be for them! 

Can I buy the course for someone as a wedding gift? 

Yes! It makes the best wedding gift ever (in my humble opinion). You can find a gift card option above (just under the pay options). Once you purchase the course, a digital gift card will be sent to you and you can pass it on to the lucky couple! 

Should I watch the course by myself or with my fiancé? 

The course is designed to be taken together whenever possible, either remotely or in person. After each lesson, there are questions for you to discuss as a couple. Can you take it separately? Of course. But it will do more for you if it's a team effort.

I am in a LGBTQ+ relationship. Is this course a good fit for me?

You are, of course, welcome to take the course! Some of it will be very useful for you. However, my professional experience and personal relationship only qualify me to teach heterosexual couples, which are the primary focus in the course. You deserve to learn from an expert in LGBTQ+ relationships.


Hi, I'm Carlie, Your BFF + New Sex Ed Teacher.

I earned a master's degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development (Healthy Sexuality emphasis) and have worked for over five years as a sexuality research ALL to become the sex educator that you need right now. I can't wait to meet you.

Learn More →

Study at your own pace



Follow a proven roadmap



I can't wait for you to get started in The Honeymoon Course. You can sign up today and start learning immediately! Click the button below to enroll now.